Friday, June 26, 2009

Difficulty with Friends

Why are my friends so mean? Have you ever asked that question? Have you had trouble with friends who get mad and then won't talk to you? Do you argue with them a lot? Please share what you are going through. Maybe you can help other kids as well as get answers for yourself.


  1. My friend, she wants me to stay away from her cuz she wants to make more freinds when school starts and she don't want me in the way. i told her that hurts my feelings but she don't care. Now i don't want to start school. What shoud i do.

  2. Make new friends. There are lots of kids out there. If your friend can make more friends, so can you.

  3. School just started and Im already mad. my friend wants to do everythnig with another girl and leave me out. im so sick of it.

  4. I no what you mean. no one seems to like me and don't play at reces and I just sit by myself. If I try to play with someone they don't want to. how do I make friends.

  5. james you shoud find something that you can play by yourself and entertane yourself, somehting that no one else has to play with you.

  6. Does anyone know why friends fight? I am soooo tired of arguing and not having fun cause my friend just wants to have her way all the time. Thing is, I really like her and don't want to lose her friendship and do things with her, but I don't want to fight and I want my way sometimes. Can anyone tell me what to do?

  7. It sounds like evryone has trouble with freinds. Why don't people just treat people right? What happend to treat others the way you want to be treated?
